True North Tribe is a place for youth in grades 6-12 to grow spiritually. Tribe meets weekly during Family Nights on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 pm for fun, food, games and a Bible study lesson. We take a break during the summer, but watch this page for special events & trips. We meet upstairs, so take the stairs on the west side of the building, then walk down the hallway to the east side of the building and turn left. First door on your left. Other events, activities, and serving opportunities will also be planned throughout the year.
Tribe Youth Group Logo


What’s Happening . . .

Tribe youth meet Wednesdays at 6:30 pm during Family Nights (fall & early spring) upstairs.

Go up the stairs on the west side of the building, down the hallway,
up the short flight of steps, turn left – first room on your left.


For more information on Tribe activities, please email Josh, or call him at 308-930-9845.

Consent-Release Form for Youth Activities
(use this to fill in online, then print out or save & email to us)