There are things in life that we do that are very significant. Not because they are going to make us richer or more powerful or more prestigious. But simply, because they are the right thing to do. In fact, in the early days of Christianity, to be BAPTIZED did just the opposite of the list above. You might lose your income, your position…you might have been shamed. Why, because you dared identify as a Christ Follower…and those who did such a thing were under tremendous persecution. And yet thousands upon thousands of new followers of Christ stepped into the waters to publicly identify themselves as a Jesus follower simply because Jesus asked his followers to do so. Are you a Jesus follower? You’ve realized your sin has separated you from God but you have accepted God’s offer to forgive those sins based on Jesus’ death of the cross who paid for our sins so forgiveness could be a gift to us? If you haven’t been baptized, why not? Why not now? August 4th we will be having a baptism service followed by a potluck and barbecue following the second service. If you’d like to be baptized or you have some questions you would like to have answered, please contact Pastor Paul at 308-380-5025.

Our third Sunday potlucks are taking a break for the summer. Potlucks will resume in September. Questions? Please contact the church office at 308-646-6388 or email us.






Our Men’s Breakfasts (on the 2nd Saturday of the month) are taking a break for baseball 🙂 and summer. They will resume in September. For more information (or if you would like to help) contact Kyle.






One of our four core values is serving. And one of the best ways to get to know other people and serve Jesus is to plug in. Here at TNC, you have options! Now is a great time to talk with the leaders below and see where God might be nudging you to serve.



TNC KIDZ can always use volunteers. You can volunteer to be a leader, a backup leader, helper, kid’s worship, audio/visual support, check-in assistant, series decor & prep, or help with big events in either preschool or elementary classes or in the Nursery. We believe that when you work with kids, you get to help transform lives for Jesus, and leave a lasting legacy. TNC KIDZ meet Sundays at 11:00 am.  If you’d like more information or want to jump in and help, contact Susan.
If your interests are middle or high school students, then TRIBE YOUTH GROUP is the place to plug in. Tribe meets Wednesday evenings at 6:30 pm (during most of the school year) for fun, food, games and Bible study. Other activities are offered during the year. For more info on Tribe and investing in the lives of teens, email Josh.




We get that everyone is different, so if kids aren’t your thing, don’t worry! There are many other ways to use your God-given talents. To plug-in, get connected, and serve, please also consider the following teams. If you have a skill or talent that doesn’t sound like any of these options, or you’re interested in a different ministry, let us know. The church works best when everyone God has placed here contributes in their own special way. Contact us for more information.

Building & Maintenance Team
Care Team
The Maintenance Team takes care of basic needs in maintaining the building and grounds. It includes checking the building interior & exterior, letting us know of repairs needed or performing minor repairs, mowing, landscaping, and snow removal. Email Al for more information. 
Our Care Team assists those in our church family that need help. We provide assistance such as running errands for those who are homebound, to provide or line up meals after hospitalization or visits as needed. For more information, contact Pastor Paul
Are you free to help serve 30 minutes a month? Clean team members empty trash and vacuum following the second service (or during the week) one Sunday a month. We currently are in need of a few volunteers to help our existing teams. If you’re interested, please email Nina.  
Media and Music Team
Security Team
Our Welcome team includes Greeters, who welcome people as they arrive at church on Sundays and Ushers who hand out bulletins and help with getting everyone seated. For more information, contact Lee.
Do you like music? Sing? Play an instrument? Or maybe you’re more technically minded . . . computers, media, and sound are more your thing . . . Volunteers are needed to help in all areas. If you’re interested, or would like more information, please email Josh. 
Our Security Team provides protection to church body and staff during services on Sunday morning and during special events to provide a safe environment for worship service, fellowship in the Body of Christ and to also provide a safe learning environment to students and staff.  If you’d like to know more, please contact Loren.
Our Health Support Team provides support to those in the church who are struggling with life’s medical challenges. We can sit with someone so their caretaker can run errands, provide transportation to your doctor’s office or be a second set of ears during your appointment, help you understand your medical diagnosis, set up weekly medications, or help you establish a safe home environment. If you need assistance or would like to help (no medical background needed) contact Darla.