Our Mission

For all to know Jesus Christ, experience His power, and be His image in the world.



Our Core Values


Connect logoCONNECT

The beginning of your faith journey and certainly most important decision of your life starts with you accepting the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. This vertical connection will continue to grow and mature as you commit to worship, Bible study, prayer, and communion. In addition, your faith walk will develop horizontally through Community Group interaction, mentorship, and general fellowship with other believers.

Come join us as we enjoy the blessing of CONNECTING.


Serve LogoSERVE

God teaches us the importance in growing in the likeness of Christ to serve your family, your church family and the world. Serving gives us the opportunity to actively apply and engage our faith in the world. It comes in many shapes and forms as we model Jesus Christ through sacrificial service. We provide and encourage many opportunities at True North to serve in the church on one of our teams and outside the church through local and international missions.

Come join us in the blessing of SERVING.



Give logoGIVE

God has challenged us in a very tangible way in the area of giving. He knows that money has a stronghold on our heart and for Him to release us from the yoke of money it is necessary for us to recognize and freely give that of which He has given to us. Fifteen percent of everything Jesus ever said when he was on this planet was regarding money because He knows nothing quite exposes where our hearts are than this subject.

Come join us in the blessing of GIVING.


Invite logoINVITE

We believe the FOUND PEOPLE, FIND PEOPLE. It is our mission and passion to invite people into the knowledge of a loving relationship with Jesus Christ. It is out of a heart of humility and gratefulness that we tell the world about Jesus. This is done practically through the individual witness of your life in your immediate circle of influence and in mission to a lost world searching for truth. We believe the most UN-loving thing for us to do is to remain silent about the love of God.

Come join us as we INVITE the world into God’s presence.